"Level Up Your Life!"

My Certifications

CrossFit Level 2 Trainer

 As a CrossFit Level 2 Trainer I am able to:

  1. Describe essential mechanics of functional movement to an athlete
  2. Demonstrate essential mechanics of functional movement.
  3. Identify static and dynamic faults.
  4. Provide effective methods for correcting faults.
  5. Demonstrate correction of faults using tactile, verbal and visual cues.
  6. Exhibit and assess effective presence and attitude.
  7. Demonstrate essential qualities of an effective trainer.
  8. Prescribe strategies for designing a program and evaluating its effectiveness.
  9. Exhibit group management skills necessary for a trainer.
  10. Evaluate an individual's athletic capacity and be able to scale workouts to the appropriate level as needed.

USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach (Level 1)


A USA Sports Performance Coach is able to take all athletes through complete technical progressions of the Snatch, Clean & Jerk, and all associated movements including Power Snatch, Power Clean, Power Jerk, Squat variations, and pulling progressions.