"Level Up Your Life!"

BearDown S&C

Temecula's Premier Strength and Conditioning Facility

Beardown Strength and Conditioning is where I train a majority of my clients. BDSC's training philosophy starts with developing a Personal Relationship. Every individual we coach has different personal fitness needs and goals. Whether you're stepping in the gym for the first time or a serious athlete, we develop a unique fitness program for you! Every fitness client starts with a Beardown Fitness Assessment to determine your level. This assessment is followed by a goal setting consult and accountability program. One of the main reasons our members call Beardown S&C a family is because of our Trainers' dedication to your personal fitness goals. Personal/group training sessions are booked around your schedule in 30 or 45 minute sessions. Click here for more info: https://beardowntraining.com/training/personal-training/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beardown_strength_conditioning/